So my second electronics endeavor had to be a bit more ambitious then the first. While my fume extractor is cool and all, it is really just a reversed fan. This project jumped out at me the other day as a fun project.

My Macbook Stickers

Just thought I haven’t taken any pictures of my laptop and its stickers. I have more on the bottom and on the wrist rest inside. Some of them are older stickers I had saved, and others were added after I bought the laptop. With my next laptop I hope to laser etch something cool on the top.

Bob ShoppingFrog PiperGold Rush!JumpKeeping it RealDon't Play with MatchesNerds Unite!PandamoniumReach for the StarsRhino Hunt...I use to fitWar and Peas

Most people out there have heard about the Threadless t-shirt company. People submit drawings and other members vote on which one they like the best and the winners become t-shirts. Not only are they great t-shirts, but they make fantastic computer wallpapers. I took twelve of my favorite t-shirt designs and added a bit of text from the shirt’s titles here and there with padding to make them 1280×800 (My new Macbook’s Resolution). Maybe you will also like them. Just remember that I didn’t draw any of these and so all rights blah blah go to their respective owners. Also go pick out a dozen shirts from Threadless.

How many people have seen these fairly new business cards called “MooCards“? They are all the rage among the bloggers and Flickr kids. These “mini cards” are a great idea but I would rather not pay $30 for them when a little Illustrator time can produce the same thing but with a custom look.

These mini cards measure 28mm x 70mm and are printed on a 17″x11″ Tabloid size card stock with a glossy front and matte back. I was having a bout of “designer’s block” so this project helped get the juices flowing again.